

1.do you have any hobbies?(爱好)
2.why do you choose to study in our department?(选药学的原因 )
3.about your future plan(研究生规划)
4.introduce your university(介绍学校)
5.introduce your hometown(介绍家乡)
6.why do you apply for our school? ?(报考我们学校原因)
7.introduce your family (介绍家庭)
8.introduce your advantage and weakness (介绍优缺点)
开头:thank you for your question.结尾:thank you for listening.

    1.?do you have any hobbies?(爱好)

frankly speaking,?i have a great deal with hobbies, like reading, running, baking, etc. and it is really difficult for me to focus on one hobby, because i am passionate about everything in my life.but i’ve shown great interests in photography, i think it is not only a skill, but also an art, which can help me improve my e
sthetic ability, and it is great way to relax. the hobby i persist for quite a long time.译文:坦率说,我有很多爱好,比如阅读、跑步、烘焙等。对我来说,专注于一个爱好真的很难,因为我对生活中的一切都充满激情。但是我对摄影表现出了极大的兴趣,我认为摄影不仅是一种技能,也是一种艺术,它可以 助我提高我的审美能力,也是一种很好的放松方式。这个爱好我坚持了很长时间。(题外话,去年面试老师就问到我这个问题,之后又问我如何平衡摄影与科研)

    2.?why do you choose to study in our department?(选药学的原因 转专业)

first of all,?i have a strong interest in this major.secondly, i think pharmacy is of great practical significance in real life, so i want to have a deeper understanding of this field and have a broader horizon.thirdly, in the future career planning, i want to continue to engage in the work of my major.译文:首先,我对这个专业有浓厚的兴趣。其次,我认为药学在现实生活中有很大的现实意义,所以我想对这个领域有更深入的了解,有更广阔的视野。第三,在未来的职业规划中,我想继续从事本专业的工作。

    3.?about your future plan(研究生规划)

i have thought about it carefully.first of all, i will learn professional theory course seriously to make up for the deficiency of my major.secondly, i will make sure that i can be familiar with the latest development of pharmacy by reading as many books and journals as possible. ?in the second year, i will look for internship, because it can apply what i have learned to practical operations.at the same time, i will carefully prepare my graduation thesis.later,?i will apply for phd. or find a job and become an expert in this field.in short, i am looking forward to laying a solid foundation for profession and life at this excellent university.译文:我认真考虑过这个问题。首先,我会认真学习专业理论课,弥补专业的不足。其次,我将尽可能多地阅读书籍和期刊,以确保我能熟悉药学的最新发展。在第二年,我会寻找实习机会,因为实习可以将我所学的知识运用到实际操作中。同时,我会认真准备我的毕业论文。之后,我会申请博士学位或者找到一份工作,成为这个领域的专家。总之,我期待着在这所优秀的大学为职业和生活打下坚实的基础。

    4.?introduce your university(介绍学校)

i studied in xxx, and i am grateful to my school. because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities.during my college years, i have made rapid and great progress in many areas.?as a student,?i work very hard, and obtain scholarship many times.?as a member of xxx association,?i strive to finish any assignment perfectly.in a word, i have harvested a lot in my college life.译文:我在xxx学习,我很感激我的学校。因为它给了我一个发展自己能力的机会。在大学期间,我在许多方面都取得了快速而巨大的进步。作为一名学生,我学习很努力,多次获得奖学金。作为xxx协会的一员,我努力完美地完成每一项任务。总之,我在大学生活中收获了很多。

    5.?introduce your hometown(介绍家乡)

my hometown is xxx, located in the northeast of xxx?province.it is the hometown of chinese xxx?recognized by xxx. many famous xxx in china come from here. xxx is one of the representatives.meanwhile,?there are many delicious food in my hometown, such as spicy soup…if possible, i’d like to welcome teachers to xxx?and i believe you will have a good time.译文:我的家乡是xxx,位于xxx省东北部(方位)。它是xxx认可的中国xxx之乡。中国很多xxx都来自这里。xxx就是代表之一。同时,在我的家乡有很多美味的食物,比如麻辣汤……如果可能的话,欢迎老师们来xxx,我相信你们会玩得很开心。(可以说家乡的名胜古迹、特色美食等等)

    6.?why do you apply for our school??(报考我们学校原因)

i choose to apply for our school for the following reasons.first of all,?our school has a strong learning atmosphere and strong competitiveness in this field.secondly,there are many excellent professional teachers in our school, where i can get more professional guidance.thirdly,?i like the cultural atmosphere of school very much.because of these reasons, our school is my best choice.译文:我选择申请我们学校有以下原因。首先,我校的学习氛围浓厚,在该领域具有较强的竞争力。其次,我们学校有很多优秀的专业老师,在那里我可以得到更专业的指导。第三,我非常喜欢学校的文化氛围。因为这些原因,我们学校是我最好的选择。

    7.?introduce your family (介绍家庭)

in my family, there are xxx?members, my parents and me.my father and my mother are xxx?and they are often full occupied.while i am at home, i would help my mother do housework.i love them and they love me, too.when i make a success, they are more excited than me, and support me to do better. even though i failed, instead of blaming, they always share sorrow with me, and encourage me not to give up.they give me a lot, so i will do all what i can to repay them.译文:在我的家里,有xxx口人,我的父母和我。我的父亲和母亲是xxx(职业),他们经常很忙。当我在家的时候,我会 妈妈做家务。我爱他们,他们也爱我。当我取得成功时,他们比我更兴奋,支持我做得更好。即使我失败了,他们也不会责怪我,而是和我分享悲伤,鼓励我不要放弃。他们给了我很多,所以我会尽我所能来报答他们。

    8.?introduce your advantage and weakness (介绍优缺点)

i think my strength is my willness to accept every task assigned to me.normally,?i don’t say no to challenges, because i believe hard challenges can help me better overcome any future difficulties and they can also lead me to new beginnings and a better perspective of life.when i meet many things at the same time,?i could only do one thing seriously and do it well, i could not guarantee the accuracy of everything.but after?recognizing this problem, i am slowly trying to do multitasking and i also realize that this ability is very helpful for graduate study.译文:我的优点是愿意接受分配给我的每一项任务。通常情况下,我不会对挑战说不,因为我相信艰难的挑战可以 助我更好地克服未来的任何困难,也可以让我重新开始,对生活有更好的看法。当我同时遇到很多事情的时候,我只能认真的做一件事并且做好,我不能保证每件事的准确性。但在认识到这个问题后,我慢慢地开始尝试多任务处理,我也意识到这种能力对研究生学习很有 助。


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